Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter, More Peanut Butter and a Little Bit of Chocolate Cookies

I've seen all of these "pudding cookies" all over Pinterest. What the heck are they?, I thought. Why pudding?, I thought. I can't believe it took me so long to decide to make some. Now, I need to try all the varieties I can find. These were my first:

Peanut Butter Pudding Cookies from Sweet Pea's Kitchen

She adapted from another recipe, but I made her recipe exactly, with only one exception. I had teeny tiny Reese's Pieces so I used half a cup of them instead of a whole cup of the regular version. It could've used more. If I remake them (and I will!), I'll eliminate the chocolate chips completely and use 1.5 cup peanut butter chips and 1 cup mini Reese's Pieces. Still, these were frickin' fantastic.

So, here's my totally unscientific and unprofessional review: 

Prep difficulty: Pretty darn easy for a non-baker like me. It's a good reason to use the stand mixer.
Prep time: Average-- maybe 15-20 minutes.
Bake time: Quick-- done in 10-12 minutes. 
Quirks: These cookies pretty much did not spread. I'm the queen of turning a cookie sheet of cookies into one gigantic cookie because I never leave enough room. These are the perfect type of cookie for me. I'm pretty sure I made these pretty much exactly the size I was supposed to and there was probably three cookies worth of dough left after the 2 dozen. Don't worry... I took care of it. 
Taste: Very rich and very peanut buttery. This is a "requires a glass of milk" cookie. 
Dough taste: Delightful, but also very rich. Peanut butter cookie dough is probably my favorite and this didn't disappoint. 
Reviews: I don't like to keep stuff like this in the house because I could have easily eaten the 2 dozen cookies for dinner on Saturday. I took eight cookies to two different friends. This is what they said: 
Via Facebook post: "These cookies are UHH-May-ZING! If my husband doesn't stop eating them, I may have to injure him. ;)" 
Via text message: "These cookies are awesome!!!" Yes, with three exclamation points.  
This is definitely a winning recipe!

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