Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Quarterly Cleaning

It's spring cleaning time! I don't call it spring cleaning though; I call it quarterly cleaning. There are very few things that I only do once a year. All of my spring cleaning tasks are also done in the fall, at least, if not more often.

To me, a big part of my quarterly cleaning is organizing. I like to take a look at things around the house and do a little purging-- either to Goodwill or the trash or make some moolah by selling stuff.

Here's the plight of a working mom... I have to take two days (I could honestly use a whole week) of leave to get my spring cleaning done. It can't be done in the evenings. It can't be done on the weekends. That's my family time and I'm willing to spend some of it doing weekly chores, but not big tasks like steam cleaning the carpets.

I have a crazy-long to-do list in a list app on my phone. I organize it by room or mark "all" for things that happen in every room, like cleaning windows/blinds. Here's a sneak peak.

I think that list would take 5 screen captures to show you the whole thing. Yes, I'm pathetic. Only a small fraction of it will get done during my 2-day quarterly cleaning. I'll work on the smaller tasks on evenings/weekends and some things will still be on the next quarterly cleaning list.

After day one: 
  • Steam clean the carpets (living room, hallway, two bedrooms)
  • Dust walls, baseboards, corners
  • Magic Erase kitchen tile floors
  • Clean all cabinet fronts

Keep in mind that I only have from when Mr. S and E leave for work/daycare until they get home. And if I'm taking days off work, I need a little me-time. I'll enjoy my coffee in the morning, watch some trash TV while eating lunch, and yesterday, I spent the better part of the afternoon shopping for baskets for a better toy solution in the living room.  So, it's not all work, but pretty dang close.

It's day two and the race is on. Today, I don't have big tasks, like steam cleaning, on the list. It's mostly 10-30 minute tasks so hopefully I can knock out a bunch of them. Happy spring cleaning!

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