Thursday, February 28, 2013

Yay, a New Hobby

Guess what!

Our 10 year wedding anniversary is this weekend and we're the "I can't wait to give this to you!" type when it comes to presents so we exchanged a couple days ago. Mr. S got me a sewing machine!

One of my goals for the year is to a.) learn to sew and b.) sew E's receiving blankets into a quilt for his big boy bed (when the time comes... oh, I'm tearing up just thinking about him in a big boy bed.) That might be ambitious to accomplish in 10 months. I don't know. I've sewn before, but it's been a really long time and I never really did it enough to get good at it. It'll be an adventure, that's for sure.

The sewing machine is super fancy and I'm not familiar enough to even thread it so it's sitting in the box until I can redeem my free lessons/tutorial/orientation/whatever... which isn't until the 16th. Eek! I'm so excited to get started. I don't know how I'm going to last until the 16th.

So now, I have a new addiction-- pinning quilts on Pinterest. Wanna follow? Here's my quilt board.

In the meantime, maybe I should make it my goal to finish a scrapbook. For example, E's first year... which is 7 months past due. I don't know though... finishing one project before starting another? That just sounds like crazy talk!

What projects do you have waiting to get started? What long term projects are still waiting to be finished?

Is the sewing machine the traditional 10 year anniversary gift? Maybe the modern version? Haha... yeah, I doubt it.

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